Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fingerprints of God

This Spring,  I have had the opportunity to lead the Bible Study, Fingerprints of God by Jennifer Rothschild to a group of women at Royston Baptist.  I spent many weeks debating & praying over what study to complete with these women.  It's amazing how I was led to this study & love it.  To check out her website -

It is the first Bible Study that I have completed by Jennifer & I am loving it! Jennifer is blind, but discusses how we can see & experience the presence of God.  This study challenges us to truly look for God. How do you see God? Do you take time in your ordinary daily moments to listen to God?

Since becoming a mommy, I see God everyday in my child.  First, through the birth of Peyton.  Then, seeing his mannerisms, personality, & looks.  Most recently, I see God through Peyton's daily new vocabulary & skills.  I see God through - the sunrise, sunset, my students, friends, special conversations, cards in the mail, anytime I hear my favorite Chris Tomlin song, flowers, my husband...I could go on.

Take a minute to think how you SEE God.  How do you see God's touch?  I would recommend this study to anyone looking for a new Bible study! Prayers to you & your family.

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