Our first born is FOUR! I truly can't believe it! It has been a whirlwind of a year for Peyton. I love reflecting over the year & hope one day to put these blog entries into a book for my boys. There are many things Peyton has taught us over the years & continues to teach us as he grows & we grow.
Determination! Peyton suffered a broken femur on September 3rd last year & had to be put in a full-body cast. He showed so much determination, with such a high set-backs (back in diapers, unable to walk two weeks post-cast, etc). Peyton truly taught me not to give up!
September 2013 |
Patience! Whew - has Peyton taught both Jonathan & I tons of patience. We are both middle children - "peace-makers," "let's please those around us,"& Peyton is NOT! Peyton is our strong-willed child who pushes every limit. We have had to learn the importance of consistency & continue try to teach Peyton patience, as he is also teaching it to us.
Thanksgiving 2013 |
Pure JOY - Peyton lives in the moment & finds joy in whatever he is doing - whether that's playing, singing the "clean up song" as he helps clean up (sometimes after several reminders), talking to himself on the potty. :) His pure happiness reminds me to find JOY in all I say & do!
Peyton & Derby February 2014 |
Love of Learning - Peyton LOVES school - as the summer drew to an end & I had to return to work, his words, "YES - now I can go back to school!!!" He loves to tell me what he's learning. He loves that I'm a teacher. He loves his teacher, Miss Jill. I am thankful for his love for school & thirst for knowledge. (As I was anxious about returning to work, Peyton's enthusiam encouraged me that he did love "school" & his sitter.)
Easter 2013: One of my favorite pictures! |
Confidence - Peyton is confident! He is sure of himself & not afraid to try new things! He's not afraid to meet new friends (at the park, swimming pool, Wal-Mart, anywhere)! He asked me the other day, "Mama - am I a teenager?" I assured him he was not (Although he already wants to be one). What a wonderful reminder - let us be confident in who God has created us to be. I pray Peyton always has confidence.
May 2013: Peyton confident he's catching a shark! |
Jonathan & I thank God for blessing us with Peyton Baker Barlow! He has already taught us so much in four short years & I pray for many more wonderful years with this sweet boy! May we always be open to learning from our children.